Tuesday, July 27, 2010

A Little Child Shall Lead Them

Jesus said... "Truly I tell you the truth, unless you are converted and become like little children you will never enter the Kingdom of heaven." Matthew 18:3

Though I am becoming more resigned to the fact that I am growing older, my job as a home visitor helps me to stay young at heart and playful in spirit. Monday through Friday I get to visit families and spend time with their children. Week by week I get the privilege of earning the trust of children and finding delight in watching them learn and grow. They say that kids and animals know if you like them and I think that is true. Children just make me smile, and it is so rewarding to see them smiling back at me and welcoming me at their door.Those sweet, simple and unjaded spirits just resonate with mine, and call out somehow in attempt to reconnect with those childlike qualities I have nearly lost along the way.

Like most of us, the families I serve are struggling economically, or are at risk for one reason or another. And though many of the parents I deal with are dealing with significant stress over making ends meet, relationship issues, and parenting challenges, I have noticed a curious thing, that the youngest of children are not worried one bit about where they will live, what and when they will eat and what they will wear. Young children don't even know what tomorrow is, and so they just go about enjoying their little lives in trust and with a sense of joyous abandon. And when that same child has a need they boldly go to the one who they know from experience will meet it as they have done before. What a picture of how God the Father wants us to depend on Him.

"What is a child like? How does he live? He is free from care, because his life is a life of trust. He lives in the present moment, and receives his life unquestioningly as it comes to him day by day." Hannah Smith

Some of those childlike qualities that I have grown to know and love are their:
  • Innocence
  • Sense of Wonder
  • Spontaneity
  • Resilience
  • Humility
  • Freedom from inhibitions
  • Authenticity
  • Dependence and trust
  • Passion to explore and learn
  • Love
  • Forgiveness

Children are often the best object lessons for how to please God. I remember a number of years back, watching a father correct his toddler with a gentle smack on the hand for returning to the electrical socket. As the father bent over the child the child's little face melted as he disolved into tears. Almost simultaniously this little child strained up toward his father's face with his little puckered lips in an effort to plant a kiss on his cheek. I still get choked up at the memory of this profound example of childlike brokenness, forgiveness and love. Yes, there is much for me to learn from the simplicity of a child.

Remember those disciples who tried to send the children away from Jesus because they thought He was too busy for them? Remember too how Jesus strongly rebuked those disciples telling them to let the children come to Him? He explained that it was those very childlike qualities of the heart, the desire and willingness to come, and the trust and dependence that are necessary in order to enter the Kingdom of God.

Father, thank you for making children out of those of us who have put our childlike faith and trust in the death and resurrection of your Son Jesus, for the forgiveness of our sins. Thank you that You are preparing a Kingdom for us, your children. In the meantime, thank you for your patience with us, and please help us to be about the business of putting away childish things while continuing to nurture within us, those childlike qualities of the heart that are so endearing to yours. Amen.

Until next time,

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