Monday, May 31, 2010

New Growth

Recently, while on a walk I saw this tree. It made me smile and I had to take its picture because it was just doing what it was supposed to do. It was putting out new expected growth for spring. I chuckled a bit because to me in that moment it looked like it was holding out it's hands to show me its fresh manicure! (Ok.. I know that I often look at life through verrry peculiar eyes, but admit just took a second look didn't you :) ?? So anyway...I reached out and touched the new green fingernails... I mean needles. They were so fresh and green, and surprisingly so soft in contrast to the existing dark and prickly ones.

I knew that I had stumbled upon yet another object lesson that reminded me of the tender places in my own life where with God's help I'm trying to put out new growth. The areas of balance, self control, and overall health have been a real struggle for me. Perfectionism and procrastination are BIG in my list of issues, and a particular challenge in my workplace that is focused on productivity. I have had a mental motto, as counter-productive as it is: "Do it right, but do it later." In reality this is no joke at all because I often end up spending way more time on things than I really need to. Sometimes I have to force myself to say this project is "good enough." Managing time for me is stressful, and I don't always respond well to it. Stress tends to immobilize me. in those times Instead of choosing healthy alternatives I tend to seek comfort in food or distractions that in the end just leave me feeling empty and overwhelmed. Thankfully, by God's grace, I am slowly growing in my awareness of my patterns and am learning to go to prayer or to God's Word, (and yes, even for a walk) before
things come falling down around my head.

So now back to that tree... I was reminded that the pine tree can no more muster up its own will to push out new green needles than I can to make even the smallest improvement in myself. Now doesn't that take the pressure off? SIMILAR to that tree, I am dependent on the One who controls the externals. For the tree those include the quality of the soil it is planted in, along with the quantity and frequency of rain, and sun. Without the proper balance, growth is either retarded or absent altogether.

While I am also dependent on the Creator for bringing forth spiritual growth, I am DIFFERENT from that tree in that I have some choices....not just about what will merely sustain me, but what will encourage growth in me. I continue to marvel in the fact that even the desire and ability to make healthy and wise choices comes from outside of myself. I am totally dependent on the Holy Spirit's power where any change or choice is concerned.

"For it is God who works in you to will and to act
according to His good purpose." Philippians 2:13 NIV

Based on the verse above, God is not only working into my life the "will" (which I call the "want to," ) but He is also at work changing my "actions." I , however, have some responsibility to choose well in order to better cooperate with God in transforming my actions. Failure to do so may mean that I struggle longer or harder or in new ways. I am not referring to a self help or a works theology here. I am simply encouraging us not to abdicate our responsibllity to adjust our sails when directed. Thoughout the New Testament we are charged to CONTINUE on in growth, maturity and obedience. As believers in Christ, we are called to regularly come to God in a healthy fear and reverence asking Him to search us. As part of this evaluation process we can then ask ourselves questions such as: To whom am I accountable? Whose influences am I permitting? What books materials and movies am I choosing or avoiding? Who or what decision or fears am I running from? How am I using my time, talent, treasure and temple for heavens sake? Am I living in balance and in grace? And that next step question about what thing God is placing a firm but gentle finger on that needs attention. I think it is also important for encouragment sake that we ponder where it is in our lives and service that we sense the Father's pleasure and favor.

I ask that you please pray for my growing edges. Birthing new growth is rarely easy and is often painful. As a member of the Grove prayer team we are praying for your next steps, your new growth. Know that half of the battle is showing up and admitting our sins and struggles to one another and praying for one another. Be encouraged today. We serve a loving, patient and forgiving God who understands what His children need. He knows that we are but dust! Consider too that Jesus Christ Himself is praying for us! So watch for the new growth God is in the process of birthing out of your life, and don't forget to encourage others along the way when you see their new green poking through!

Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not percieve it?" Isaiah 43:18-19 NIV

Oh, and by the way.....I just have to say...YOUR manicure is shaping up mahvalously dahling!

Until Next Time,

1 comment:

Jeff Sivyer said...

Great insight Peggy - if only we could all take the time to do this kind of introspection! I covet your prayers for my next steps and strength to be obedient to God's call for me daily. I'll pray for yours as well!