Saturday, May 8, 2010

Running with the Zebras or Alone at the Watering Hole?

Did you know that zebras are gregarious and social animals? Now I bet you are asking yourself..... How in the world the subject of zebras made its way to the Life Growth blog? Fair question, but if you humor me I believe that these zebra facts that I happened upon while internet surfing a while back, will offer some fresh wisdom and interesting spiritual parallels to benefit your own lives.

By design, God,the Intelligent Designer,created zebras with amazingly symetrical stripes that are as unique as our fingerprints.These stripes make them recognizable to the others in their herds. Zebras also know their predators, the large cats, wild dogs, and hyenas that lie in wait. For self preservation zebras know how to remain alert and wary.In the wild, when separated from the herd, zebras actively go in search of other zebras and by nature they travel in small groups.

When zebras are threatened, their first response is to run. Zebras know that there is safety in numbers, and that separation from the herd means most certain death. When threatened, especially if young are involved, zebras have also been seen taking an offensive unified stance with all zebra members facing the predator. These wise animals don't consider it a sacrifice to lose their individuality. they know intuitively that there is safety in a crowd. Zebras know that self reliance, wandering and distraction make them easy targets.

When Zebras do face a predator they know how to work and move together. When threatened they run together in a zig-zag formation,their combined striped markings creating a confusing visual blur to any predator in pursuit. Often the predator gives up the chase when it cannot identify a particular target in what appears to be one large animal.

Simply put... there is safety in numbers. We live in a world that prides itself on its self-reliance,and independence. We also live in a world that is full of all sorts of predators. As a single woman, I know all too well how easy it is to live and move about independently, thinking that I can manage just fine on my own (thank you very much.) I also know the "predators" that have taken me down. I have seen how the enemy has used "busy"ness, and loneliness to alienate me and keep me from what I need, and what I need, and what you need is community... other people. We must also remember to look beyond ourselves to realize that others actually need us too.

Whether we are called to marriage or to singleness for life or for a time, we are not called to isolation.The Bible is all about relationships. God made us in His image as relational beings.

Genesis 2:18 reminds us that God Himself said:

"It is not good for man to be alone."

I do not believe that God was referring to only men here,nor do I believe that He was referring only to the male female marital relationship. I believe that God designed all people for a life in community for the purpose of encouragment,accountability, for play and for help. He knew that we would be vulnerable on our own. Not so unlike that lone zebra at the watering hole, an isolated Christian is truly a paralyzed Christian. Have you been living a lone ranger (lone zebra) kind of life? Have you ever really let anyone close enough to really know you? The good news is that it is not too late.

Sign-ups for Life Growth Groups are going on now through the month of May.Check out the link on our home page for summer offerings. Join others like yourself on this "zebra run!" Groups are a safe place, and there really is safety in numbers. And what is more,...there's a place for you!

Until Next time,

1 comment:

Jeff Sivyer said...

Excellent blog - they always are! I appreciate the message of not standing alone - remembering that an "isolated Christian is a paralyzed Christian".

Appreciate even more your sharing this message with the Life Growth Group leaders last Friday!

Keep the great content coming!