Sunday, April 11, 2010

Some Things Never Change

All around us we see dizzying change. The economy continues to fluctuate, political changes and a revised health care system brings uncertainty. It would be easy to despair,easy to find ourselves trembling and hiding ourselves away in fear.How good to know that some things never change and that in the midst of change there is a solid rock. A foundation that never shifts, a safe place,a dependable One that we can build our lives upon.

With every change of the seasons I am reminded of our Faithful Father. Our Father, the Creator God, is dependable, and right on time. He choreographs a planet dance that sets the seasons unfolding each year just as expected. Most of you know that I love being out in nature and I love taking photos of God's handiwork. For me it is like capturing God's fingerprints at every turn.I can't help but marvel at the beauty and predictablility in each awakening season. Right now I am anticipating the return of the hummingbirds.I expect them to arrive right on time to the same feeding places the last week of April right on schedule

It is such a comforting thing to rest in the fact that like the seasons,our God will always remain the same. God has set the seasons we so enjoy in a precise rhythm of life. There is cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night—and seedtime and harvest. God has promised that this will be so until the end of the age.

Some things never change it is true... but what is more comforting to me is that I know The Immutable One.. the One who will never change. And then when I consider His Word,and witness repitition in His creation, I remember that He knows me too, all that concerns me in my comings and goings. And to think that this One that planned for the schedule of the bird migrations,knows where we all are!

It is my prayer that come what may, we all choose to rest in the peace of God's unchanging character. God's Word tells us that perfect love casts out fear. Fear cannot co-exist in the presence of this kind of unchanging love. It is my prayer that as we live and move and have our being on this planet,that we His children learn in a new way to rest, remembering how secure we are in the hands of the One who never changes.

Winter is past; spring is here. When one season surrenders to the next I remember God's covenant promise to Noah, "While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, and day and night shall not cease"
(Gen. 8:22, NKJV).

Until Next Time,


Jeff Sivyer said...

Amen and Amen! I look forward with great anticipation to each new blog entry. You have such a gift for writing and expressing yourself. Thanks for the pick me up today - I needed it!

Carolyn Lindenmuth said...

You make me want to sing: "Morning by morning new mercies I see: All I have needed Thy hand hath provided. Great is Thy faithfulness, Lord unto me!"