Saturday, September 11, 2010

Learning the Ropes

If you were suspended high above the ground, which of the above would you choose to support you? A no brainer right?

Tom Harvey answered that question for us. The Sun News in January 2008 printed a story about this 22 year old British Caver who was left dangling for 7 hours above a 350 foot chasm in New Zealand. The article describes how Harvey watched his only life line unravel leaving just a single thread to support his weight. The article explained that Harvey attempted to cling to the razor sharp ledge of the cavern in an effort to take some weight off the line. He reported that he was never so terrified in all of his life, but was grateful that rescuers came to his aid just minutes before he would have plunged to a certain death.

While most of us live a little more "down to earth" than Tom Harvey, "hanging in there" can be a real challenge when life's stressors frazzle our nerves and threaten to unravel us down to our core.The lesson in the rope is a kind of word picture reminding us what each of us needs to remain safe, secure and supported.

A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12

Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 reminds us that:

  • Two are better than one
  • It is good to have someone to help us stand when we fall
  • We need others to come along side us in defense

No, it is not good to be alone. we need the support of trusted others along side, people we can depend on, folks who won't let us down.

Nearly everyday I wear a favorite piece of jewelry, a Sterling silver ring that is crafted to look like three cords woven together. I wear it as a reminder that I must intentionally connect with others; my relatives, friends and especially other like-minded folks in my church family so that I can grow spiritually and remain mentally, and emotionally healthy. I need people, and people need me. My natural bent is to isolate when life presses in, but I know myself, and that is the last thing I need. Support, accountability. prayer and encouragment are my life lines especially when times are hard. Perhaps that is one of the reasons I am so passionate about helping other folks see the need to become connected to a caring community through our Life-Growth Groups.

Ok. Now that you've learned the ropes, its time for you to decide. What is better? Hanging out alone without adequate support, or connected to a lifeline of others who have your best interest at heart? A no brainer right?

Life Growth Group semester sign-ups are going on now with groups beginning the week of October 3rd. We'd really love to "rope you in" and we'd really hate to "leave you hanging!!"

Until Next Time,

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