Friday, August 28, 2009

When God "Winks" My Way

I have noticed that when I least expect it, and usually when I most need it, God winks at me! Not the flirtatious kind, but a wink that comes in the form of a timely act of kindness or encouragement that I know is a message meant just for my heart. These “winks” serve to reassure, almost as though our Father were across a crowded room communicating that He sees us, knows us, and is for us! More often than not I believe that God uses His people to deliver His wink!

I received one such “wink” this past Tuesday. I was driving home after a long day and it was getting dark. I hadn’t had dinner, was hungry, lonely and tired, and feeling sorry for myself. Then my phone rang. It was a very good friend that I had not spoken with in a very long time. It was a familiar voice friendly and immediately comforting. I could tell they were smiling as they spoke, and what is more…they didn’t WANT anything from me! You know what I mean. Most of the time if we are honest, we call folks when we need something. I know I do. After hanging up I must admit I contemplated just how good it felt to feel valued for WHO I was and not just for what I could DO.

It is my desire to be more intentional about investing in my relationships in a variety of simple and encouraging ways. I want to always remember what a gift it was to hear “You were on my mind and I just wanted to hear your voice,” or “In prayer today, God brought you to my mind and I just wanted to check in.” I guess you can tell by now that the phone call was like a breath of fresh air, like water on dry ground. For me it was a perfectly timed God wink of encouragement from a friend.

Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land. Proverbs 25:25

A man has joy in an apt answer,And how delightful is a timely word! Proverbs15: 23

Pleasant words are a honeycomb, Sweet to the soul and healing to the bones
Proverbs16: 24

Here’s winking at you! (Who does God want you to "wink" at today?)

‘Til next time,


Jeff Sivyer said...

Thanks for the wink - and thanks for the reminder to respond to those little nudges by God to call someone when they do cross your mind!

rlkemper said...

Good morning Peggy!
Another person out of the past, who has to test because you said you don't do phones......thanks for the word! It is so nice to get a call from someone who just wants to say "hi"! Thanks for the reminder that God wants the same thing from and for us! Blessings!