Tuesday, June 23, 2009

When the Stakes are High

This photo is of my dad’s garden taken on Father’s day. Notice the stakes- nearly twice as tall as his tomato plants! I mentioned to my dad that I felt it was a pretty good representation of the measuring stick expectations we grew up with! We all had a good laugh as we poked fun about how dad had simply transferred his great expectations onto his plants!

You and I need “stakes” (goals) in our lives. They keep us reaching for something and Someone beyond ourselves. Stakes keep us hopeful, growing, stretching and reaching to do more for Christ, and even more importantly, to become more like Jesus Christ than ever before.

Unfortunately if I expect more of others or myself than the very God of the universe does, the “stakes” can speak defeat. If I as a leader by some well intentioned but misguided sense of enthusiasm attempt to tie others to some unrealistic stake (stakes that for their particular gift set, maturity or ability level may be too difficult if not impossible to live up to,) I am setting them up to fail. But on the other hand, if as a leader I/we fail to hold up the bar of expectation, or provide growth opportunities, we’ve not been faithful in the leading, Just as a gardener with no expectation for his plants may as well not tend a garden at all. May God give us wisdom as leaders to be Spirit-lead in this call.

Thankfully, my garden plants come with a plastic care tag inserted in the soil. It helps me know what I can reasonably expect in regard to the height of my plants. In my minds eye I see Christ’s Church as a garden, full of stakes of many varying heights. The stakes are there as support for all sorts of plants. There are towering stakes for the sunflowers and a medium sized stake for the climbing beans. Then there is the tender shoot that needs a good start, with the smallest of stakes for support.

Yes, the lesson of the “stakes” can speak hope or discouragement. I’ve been reminded that while I am uniquely gifted and wired for certain roles within the Body, that I must also leave room on my stake for God to grow me in areas that I can’t stretch to in my own strength-areas where He must intervene in power. That is my prayer for all of us who desire to take the next step at The Grove!

Dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known…1 John 3:2

Till Next Time,

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1 comment:

Jeff Sivyer said...

Woa, you echoed some things I've been wrestling with recently. Unrealistic expectations of others! Got to be more careful. I guess it's partly because of the urgency I feel toward advancing the kingdom - thanks for the reminder.