Friday, May 22, 2009

Chain Rxn and the Great Commission?

I'm not big into computer games,but recently, while on Facebook,I happened upon a new diversion, a game that is growing in popularity. Chain Rxn makers claim it assists in relieving stress. But consider yourself can also be habit forming as some of you can also attest to!

Chain Rxn allows you to strategically place a larger given sphere using your mouse, placing it in the midst of many smaller moving balls with the purpose of attempting to cause a chain reaction. Each small ball that touches yours becomes another large ball that in turn touches others on and on in a cluster-like fashion before they individually disappear. (For the competitive folks, there are points for acquiring balls,) but I personally appreciate the lovely colors and the soothing and mesmerizing wind chime like tones as reward enough for each ball that touches another.

What does Chain Rxn have to do with the Great Commission you ask??? Well...similarly, our lives are designed to cause a chain reaction of another kind, the kind that results from our contacts with others, contacts both intentional and spontaneous. As Christ followers, we do not always know who is watching us as we simply and unknowingly go about “doing life” in front of others along our way. I do not believe that we fully know how the life of Christ in us by our words and deeds actually draws then connects others to us.These connections have the potential of earning us the privilege of naturally and relationally leading others to the ultimate connection - To God the Father through the Good News of the gospel.

God calls each Christ follower to Show AND tell as we live intentionally. Like that ball strategically placed on the Chain Rxn screen to reach the maximum number of contacts, Jesus intentionally placed Himself in strategic places and situations. When Jesus met with the woman at the well after just one significant meeting, the woman was compelled to go and tell her friends, and those friends told other friends and so and and so on…..

The practical parallel was not lost on me. I have been convicted of the need to slow down and make time to meaningfully connect, to attempt to really get to know my neighbors starting with those in the apartment below mine and next door. Who is that person from work? From your neighborhood? From the coffee shop? From the gym? How can you be more intentional about connecting with them? It is my prayer that as we are all out there in our sphere of influence, that we live our lives so intentionally, so winsomely, and so authentically, that we can’t help but set off some major chain reactions for the Kingdom!

Oh- and just for fun- Google search Chain Rxn or, check out my Facebook profile page and you can click on a link I've added. Why not have a go at Chain Rxn and let me know what YOU think!

Till Next Time,

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1 comment:

Tom said...

If you want to improve at Chain Rxn, check out this great guide - I don't think it will help much with the connections we make in life, but it will improve your score!